At Robot Academy, Scouts age 4-16 earn S.T.E.M. badges in a fun and supportive environment. As a Girl Scout (Daisy, Brownie, Junior, or Cadette), Cub Scout, or Boy Scout, students build and program LEGO Robots to compete in a BattleBot championship and win trophy necklaces! No experience necessary - we teach the student everything they need to know to put together a winning BattleBot.
Robot Academy offers customized sessions for your troop to earn the badge(s) of your choice. Scouts can earn the following badges:
Cost: $295 for a maximum of 10 student participants, and $10 for each additional participant. Other students and parents are welcome to observe. Grades: K-8 (recommended) Locations: Venue must be within 30 minutes of Columbus or a travel charge will be added. Time: The Lego Robot Battle event lasts for 2 hours, including set-up and tear down. Robot Academy instructor(s) will arrive 15 minutes before the intended event time to set up.
Questions? Contact Us!